Kingdom Kids serves as a Children's Ministry, from 6 weeks old through 6th grade, to develop, grow, and deepen children's relationship in Christ through Christ centered curriculum and activities.
Plug into Kingdom Kids
Sunday School: 9:45AM to 10:45AM
Star Room - 6 weeks through 12 months
The Pond - 1 year olds
Big Tree - 2 Year olds
3's & 4's - 3 years old through 4 years old
5 year olds through Kindergarten
1st grade
2end through 4th grade girls
2end through 4th grade boys
5th and 6th grade girls
5th and 6th grade boys
Children's Church: 11AM to 12PM
5 year olds through 2nd grade
Fellowship Hall
September through May
2 year olds through 6th grade
Infant Nursery available during service 6-7PM
Summer Study
5 years old through 6th grade
3's & 4's
Bible Drill
3rd through 6th Grade
A Walk through the Bible
5 year olds through 2nd grade
6 weeks old through 2 years old
3's & 4's
3 years old through 4 years old